Meet our team

The smar­test peo­p­le work every day to pro­vi­de the best ser­vice and to make our cli­ents happy.

Coope­ra­ti­on partner

The smar­test peo­p­le work every day to pro­vi­de the best ser­vice and to make our cli­ents happy.

Com­pu­ter scientist

Mar­tin Hörig

Mr Hörig has been a full-time self-employ­ed full-stack deve­lo­per and IT ser­vice pro­vi­der sin­ce 2014.
He offers his cus­to­mers various IT ser­vices tail­o­red to their needs. He also sup­ports his cus­to­mers in IT opti­mi­sa­ti­on. He advi­ses them on sto­rage stra­te­gies and gives recom­men­da­ti­ons on how to impro­ve and equip their IT. He crea­tes secu­ri­ty checks as well as opti­mi­sa­ti­on ana­ly­ses and advi­ses cus­to­mers on secu­re data storage.

Insu­rance specialist

Moritz Nit­sche

Mr Nit­sche is a sta­te-cer­ti­fied insu­rance spe­cia­list (CCI) and has been a relia­ble and com­pe­tent part­ner of Con­ti­nen­ta­le Ver­si­che­rungs­ver­bund a.G., in the dis­trict head­qua­ter of Ron­ny Schind­ler sin­ce 2008. Mr Nit­sche is an expert in advi­sing sup­port and claims sett­le­ment for cor­po­ra­te and pri­va­te clients.

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