We offer solu­ti­ons for your business

Our cli­ents are well posi­tio­ned in every pha­se of cor­po­ra­te deve­lo­p­ment. With an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team of lawy­ers, busi­ness and tax con­sul­tants as well as IT and mar­ke­ting spe­cia­lists, we mana­ge to joint­ly take a holi­stic view of your com­pa­ny or your project.

Years of Experience
0 +
Cli­ents and prospects
0 +

What inspi­red us to sup­port you

Even com­plex ques­ti­ons can be sol­ved quick­ly and you are not all invol­ved in imple­men­ta­ti­on — pro­ject-rela­ted or as a month­ly ser­vice. We sup­port our cli­ents in: invol­ved in imple­men­ta­ti­on — pro­ject-rela­ted or as a month­ly ser­vice. We sup­port our cli­ents in:

Foun­ding a business

The eva­lua­ti­on of your busi­ness start-up pro­ject for fea­si­bi­li­ty and via­bi­li­ty befo­re the start-up or the sup­port in the acqui­si­ti­on of bank finan­cing and sub­si­dies as part of the
busi­ness start-up helps you to save time and money, to mini­mi­ze risks, to build up the busi­ness quick­ly and to be sure that all legal requi­re­ments are met to have.


Sus­tainable growth suc­ceeds if you make the right stra­te­gic
decis­i­ons, keep an eye on the mar­ket and com­pe­ti­ti­on and
keep your com­pa­ny finan­ci­al­ly sound. With our cor­po­ra­te
deve­lo­p­ment offers, we help entre­pre­neurs on an expan­si­on


You have been on the mar­ket for years and have won regu­lar cus­to­mers. Every five to seven years it is neces­sa­ry to fur­ther deve­lop pro­ducts and ser­vices so that you can con­ti­nue to offer your cus­to­mers attrac­ti­ve pro­ducts and ser­vices in the future. With our posi­tio­ning and repo­si­tio­ning advice, we help exis­ting com­pa­nies that want to find them­sel­ves anew in choo­sing the right path
and choo­sing the right instruments.

Cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on & restructuring 

For buy­ers and sel­lers, cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on is a com­plex, often one-off and decisi­ve pro­cess that requi­res pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port. Our com­pa­ny eva­lua­tions and tran­sac­tion sup­port help inte­res­ted buy­ers and sel­lers wil­ling to hand over to find a sui­ta­ble buy­er or an inte­res­t­ing com­pa­ny that fits into their own portfolio.