Our Values

  • We are trail­bla­zers — We see our­sel­ves as cham­pi­ons for the goals of our clients.
  • We are advi­sors — In every pro­ject we help peo­p­le to deve­lop per­so­nal­ly as well.
  • We have stami­na — Even in dif­fi­cult situa­tions, we stick to the goals we have set until they are achieved.
  • We increase (cor­po­ra­te) values — We iden­ti­fy bene­fits and win-win situa­tions in every project.


We take care of our cli­ents, coope­ra­ti­on part­ners and our net­work very serious­ly. If we take into account that no two pro­jects are ali­ke and that eco­no­mic con­di­ti­ons and the requi­re­ments of tho­se invol­ved are con­stant­ly chan­ging, it is not pos­si­ble to demons­tra­te a 100 per­cent suc­cess rate with a 20-minu­te tele­pho­ne call and a stan­dard offer. In the indi­vi­du­al con­sul­ta­ti­on it is neces­sa­ry to grasp, struc­tu­re and prepa­re the many facets of your pro­ject. That takes time!


We want to give all cli­ents the atten­ti­on they need. For this
reason, it is neces­sa­ry not to was­te con­sul­ting time on point­less inqui­ries and hope­l­ess pro­ject ide­as. We much pre­fer to invest this time in pro­mi­sing projects.

Cur­rent information

You will find a lot of useful infor­ma­ti­on on our web­site, which is often quo­ted in spe­cia­list jour­nals and publi­ca­ti­ons. You will rare­ly find well-foun­ded, tes­ted and imple­men­ta­ble ins­truc­tions on the Inter­net — from prac­ti­ce and for prac­ti­ce. You are wel­co­me to use this for your own pre­pa­ra­ti­on and work on your goals.

Con­ti­nuous training

In order to be at your side with words and deeds and to always have our fin­ger on the pul­se, we too have to invest in trai­ning. Tha­t’s seve­ral thousand euros a year.

Your con­cern

We take our cli­ents’ con­cerns serious­ly and give them our full atten­ti­on. We expect the same from them. A lot of basic infor­ma­ti­on for coping with the dai­ly tasks of an entre­pre­neur can be found on our web­site — free of charge!

All inte­res­ted par­ties who want to suc­cessful­ly advan­ce their pro­ject must be awa­re that good infor­ma­ti­on is also worth good money. Whoe­ver can­not or does not want to accept this is unfort­u­na­te­ly not our cus­to­mer. We have grea­test suc­ces­ses with serious entrepreneurs.

Your added value

Our advice will pro­vi­de you with years of added value, which can often be expres­sed in euros. The right com­bi­na­ti­on of fun­ding alo­ne can mean around 21,000 euros in inte­rest with a finan­cing volu­me of 500,000 euros, which you eit­her save or pay “too much”. Or you over­look pos­si­ble fun­ding for your pro­ject, then you gam­ble away up to 150,000 EUR. Such effects alo­ne, the added expe­ri­ence gai­ned from dozens of pro­jects and access to a net­work of spe­cia­lists exceeds the invest­ment in con­sul­ting ser­vices many times over.