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The smar­test peo­p­le work every day to pro­vi­de the best ser­vice and to make our cli­ents happy.

Spe­cia­list lawy­er for tax law and owner

Kris­ti­an Bielow

Att­or­ney Bie­low has been a coope­ra­ting mem­ber of the Bera­tungs­ma­nu­fak­tur team for more than five years. Mr. Bie­low con­vin­ces with a high degree of pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­tence and the abili­ty to suc­cessful­ly sol­ve the chal­lenges of small and medi­um-sized enter­pri­ses in par­ti­cu­lar. Att­or­ney Bie­low sup­ports and repres­ents our cli­ents at a high pro­fes­sio­nal level. He demons­tra­tes the hig­hest level of com­pe­tence not only in legal mat­ters con­cer­ning the com­pa­ny, but also for the cli­ent as a pri­va­te per­son. In dis­cus­sions with cli­ents, his calm, focu­sed man­ner helps him to quick­ly find the core of the mat­ter and dis­cuss solu­ti­ons, even in emo­tio­nal­ly char­ged situations.

Stu­di­ed law in Leip­zig from 2004 to 2008

Legal clerk­ship at Leip­zig Regio­nal Court from 2008 to 2011

Admis­si­on to the bar in 2011

Work­ed in a supra-local law firm spe­cia­li­sing in com­mer­cial law from 2011 to 2016

Foun­da­ti­on of own law firm as side­line in 2015

Work­ed in a law firm spe­cia­li­sing in tax law and con­s­truc­tion law from 2016 to 2019

Sin­ce 2019 in own law firm

Spe­cia­list lawy­er for tax law 2021


Marie-Loui­se Wacker

geprüf­te Wirt­schafts­fach­wir­tin (IHK)

geprüf­te Lohn- und Gehalts­buch­hal­te­rin (IHK)

zer­ti­fi­zier­te Baulohnbuchhalterin


Dia­na Böhme

Geprüf­te Betriebs­wir­tin (IHK)


Yvonne Rei­che


freie Mit­ar­bei­te­rin

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