Re-Posi­tio­ning of Companies

Your cus­to­mers only buy valuable pro­ducts and ser­vices. For the deve­lo­p­ment of pro­fi­ta­ble
busi­ness models, entre­pre­neurs and self-employ­ed should ser­ve the most pres­sing wis­hes and
needs of their cus­to­mers. Don’t was­te time copy­ing other ide­as, imple­ment your own consistently.

Our cli­ents

Lear­ning in a nuts­hell what busi­ness model deve­lo­p­ment or adapt­a­ti­on means 
Recei­ve help in sel­ec­ting or updating your ser­vice offerings 
Mini­mi­ze the risk of failure 
Sol­ve the pro­blems of their cus­to­mers with their offers 
Are sus­tain­ab­ly suc­cessful entrepreneurs 

What we do

We exami­ne the tasks and pro­blems of your tar­get cus­to­mers together 
We deter­mi­ne the pro­fit expec­ta­ti­ons that your cus­to­mers have of your solu­ti­on offer 
Tog­e­ther we check which pro­blem solu­ti­ons you can offer your customers 
We find distinc­ti­ve offers that meet the needs of your customers 
We deve­lop a pro­mi­se of pro­fit with built-in copy protection 
With the (re-) posi­tio­ning of their offers, our cli­ents achie­ve an unmist­aka­ble ran­ge of ser­vices that even com­pe­ti­tors can­not sim­ply take over. This enables you to place valuable offers for your cus­to­mers who will also want to buy them. 


The best thing to do is to cont­act us right away and make
an appoint­ment for a free initi­al consultation.