The book­kee­ping of com­pa­nies is sub­ject to a multi­tu­de of regu­la­ti­ons. Alt­hough most entre­pre­neurs have heard of the “Prin­ci­ples for the pro­per kee­ping and sto­rage of books, records and docu­ments in elec­tro­nic form as well as for data access”, GoBD for short, most are con­vin­ced that they are cover­ed by hiring their tax advi­sor. Howe­ver, this is wrong. The prin­ci­ples of the GoBD must be imple­men­ted in your com­pa­ny to ensu­re compliance.

Our cli­ents receive

Imple­ment the GoBD requi­re­ments in your company 
Avo­id addi­tio­nal assess­ments by the tax office 
Recei­ve a pre­cise descrip­ti­on of the cash regis­ter sys­tems used 
Deve­lop work ins­truc­tions with us 
Deve­lop set-up pro­to­cols and pro­gramming instructions 

What we do

Joint deter­mi­na­ti­on of the situa­ti­on in the company 
Unco­ve­ring the weak points 
Exami­na­ti­on, eva­lua­ti­on and pro­ces­sing of indi­vi­du­al questions 
Intro­duc­tion of GoBD-com­pli­ant pro­ce­du­ral documentation 
If desi­red, sup­port in updating 

With our data pro­tec­tion manage­ment sys­tem, you are able to act quick­ly, with a reasonable
amount of effort and no lon­ger need to fear pos­si­ble con­trols by data pro­tec­tion officers.


Cont­act us right away for more information.