Con­tract law

Do you need assis­tance in draf­ting and revie­w­ing con­tracts such as employ­ment con­tracts, ser­vice con­tracts, purcha­se con­tracts, work con­tracts or gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons (GTC)? With us you are in good and safe hands with your request. We will be hap­py to ans­wer all open ques­ti­ons regar­ding war­ran­ty and gua­ran­tee in case of defects, con­tract rescis­si­on, and much more. We assert claims ari­sing from con­tracts for you both out of court as well as in con­ten­tious pro­cee­dings in court if such pro­cee­dings can­not be avoided.

Our cli­ents

Recei­ve legal­ly secu­re contracts 
Recei­ve exten­si­ve advice on con­tracts in the various fields of law 
Have gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons spe­ci­al­ly adapt­ed to their company 

What we do

Draf­ting of various con­tracts (e.g. sales con­tracts, employ­ment con­tracts, ser­vice contracts) 
For­mu­la­ti­on of gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons (GTC)
Review of contracts 
Defen­se against unju­s­ti­fied claims 

The best thing to do is to call us right away
and let us advi­se you wit­hout obligation.