Civil law

Pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als also encoun­ter civil law almost every day, whe­ther it is shop­ping or repai­ring cars. If the­re are dis­pu­tes in the­se tran­sac­tions, we are at your side to enforce your rights, such as a gua­ran­tee, a repair or even indem­ni­ty for you. We usual­ly try to assert the claims out of court first, as cases of con­flict can often be resol­ved with an att­or­ney let­ter or the issu­an­ce of a pay­ment order. Howe­ver, if legal enforce­ment is neces­sa­ry, we will sup­port you in asser­ting your rights. You also have a com­pe­tent cont­act per­son for spe­cial are­as of civil law, such as ten­an­cy, inhe­ri­tance and fami­ly law.

Our cli­ents

Recei­ve assis­tance in lar­ge parts of the civil law 
Get solu­ti­on-ori­en­ted consultation 
Enjoy com­pre­hen­si­ve con­sul­ting and sup­port in and out of court 

What we do

Deter­mi­na­ti­on of the con­sul­ting scope in an initi­al meeting 
Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of coll­ec­tion letters 
Request for inspec­tion of court files 
Sup­port in asser­ting war­ran­ty claims 
and much more 

Cont­act us now and make an appoint­ment
for a free initi­al consultation.