Tran­sac­tion support

The clas­sic age-rela­ted cor­po­ra­te suc­ces­si­on is just one occa­si­on when a cor­po­ra­te tran­sac­tion is car­ri­ed out. Tran­sac­tions must also be car­ri­ed out as part of an expan­si­on or the sale of sub-units of a port­fo­lio. We accom­pa­ny our cli­ents from the initi­al cont­act to the suc­cessful con­clu­si­on of the purcha­se contract. 

Our cli­ents

Gai­ning con­fi­dence in the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of a com­pa­ny han­do­ver or takeover 
Are well advi­sed on tax and legal matters 
Avo­id dis­rup­ti­ve fac­tors such as unqua­li­fied suc­ces­sors or unpro­fi­ta­ble tar­get companies 

What we do

We ana­ly­ze your cur­rent situa­ti­on, regard­less of whe­ther you want to buy or sell 
We crea­te the neces­sa­ry sales docu­ments or check with you the docu­ment crea­ted by the seller 
We deter­mi­ne or check purcha­se and sales pri­ces using reco­gni­zed procedures 
For buy­ers, we are loo­king for com­pa­nies that fit into the portfolio 
We find and sel­ect poten­ti­al buy­ers for sellers 
With our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team of tax con­sul­tants and lawy­ers, we accom­pa­ny the enti­re pro­cess up to the suc­cessful handover 

We would be hap­py to check with you whe­ther the cho­sen approach fits the over­all stra­tegy of your com­pa­ny and give you honest feed­back and posi­ti­ve design suggestions.



Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

We are fre­quent­ly cont­ac­ted on the fol­lo­wing topics:

  1. How do I obtain maxi­mum secu­ri­ty when buy­ing a company?
  2. How can I finan­ce the acqui­si­ti­on of a company?
  3. Do I get sub­si­dies when buy­ing a company?
  4. What is the right purcha­se price?
  5. How should I struc­tu­re the purcha­se and take­over process?

Cont­act one of our tran­sac­tion advi­sors and make an
appoint­ment for a free initi­al consultation.