Fun­ding Management

As an entre­pre­neur, you want to advan­ce your com­pa­ny, imple­ment new ide­as and mas­ter  growth. For this, too, the EU, the fede­ral govern­ment and the fede­ral sta­tes pro­vi­de finan­cial aid — sub­si­dies. With our fun­ding manage­ment, we sup­port our cli­ents in the effec­ti­ve and legal­ly secu­re inte­gra­ti­on of public funding.

Our cli­ents avoid

To have over­loo­ked sui­ta­ble fun­ding for your project 
Gross errors when app­ly­ing for funds and thus delays 
Choo­sing the wrong struc­tu­ring bet­ween sub­si­dies and finan­cing and 
Jeo­par­di­zing the fun­ding as a who­le through incor­rect or incor­rect whe­re-used records. 

What we do

We will dis­cuss your pro­ject in advan­ce and check the facts that are rele­vant to the funding 
We check the avai­la­bi­li­ty of fun­ding direct­ly rela­ted to your project 
We app­ly for fun­ding for you 
We moni­tor and take over the call for funds 
We will take care of the whe­re-used records for you 

We use up-to-date ana­ly­sis tools that take into account all rele­vant EU, fede­ral and sta­te fun­ding pro­grams to check the eli­gi­bi­li­ty of your pro­ject. This saves you time and money and you can be sure that you have not given away any money for your pro­ject. With clear pro­ces­ses, we ensu­re that your fun­ding pro­ject is hand­led smoothly.



Talk to us right away and arran­ge a non-binding 
initi­al consultation.