Cor­po­ra­te Finance

With spe­cia­list know­ledge, instinct and a lar­ge net­work of banks, pri­va­te inves­tors and deve­lo­p­ment insti­tu­ti­ons, we help entre­pre­neurs who are loo­king for finan­cing solu­ti­ons and sub­si­dies for their start-up, invest­ment or expan­si­on projects.

Our cli­ents

Avo­i­ding gross finan­cial errors that can threa­ten your existence, 
Fin­ding the right struc­tu­re for your finan­cing and the pro­ject — even with syn­di­ca­ted financing, 
Have the best pos­si­ble terms and conditions 
Suc­cessful­ly incor­po­ra­te fun­ding and govern­ment grants into the project. 

What we do

In advan­ce, we joint­ly deter­mi­ne your busi­ness situa­ti­on and dis­cuss your plans 
As soon as the essen­ti­al fac­tors have been deter­mi­ned, we assess the busi­ness model and the com­pe­ti­ti­ve situation 
We fore­cast the deve­lo­p­ment of your sales opportunities 
We eva­lua­te cos­ts and income 
We check the deve­lo­p­ment of the com­pany’s ear­nings and liqui­di­ty situa­ti­on, taking into account the pro­ject and the financing 
We will accom­pa­ny you to all fun­ding and finan­cing dis­cus­sions until the pro­ject is completed 

With via­ble con­cepts, tail­o­red to your com­pa­ny and the pro­ject, you will gain the trust you need­from capi­tal and fun­ding pro­vi­ders. Almost 95% of our finan­cing and sub­s­idy inqui­ries in almost 15 years have been successful.



Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

We are fre­quent­ly cont­ac­ted on the fol­lo­wing topics:

  1. How do I secu­re finan­cing through banks?
  2. What alter­na­ti­ve finan­cing instru­ments (such as lea­sing and fac­to­ring) are there?
  3. How do I draw up a busi­ness plan?
  4. Whe­re can I obtain fun­ding and sui­ta­ble fun­ding support?
  5. How do I crea­te a pro­of of use?

Talk to us right away and arran­ge a non-binding 
initi­al consultation.