We offer solu­ti­ons for your business

Our cli­ents are well posi­tio­ned in every pha­se of cor­po­ra­te deve­lo­p­ment. With an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team of lawy­ers, busi­ness and tax con­sul­tants as well as IT and mar­ke­ting spe­cia­lists, we mana­ge to joint­ly take a holi­stic view of your com­pa­ny or your project.

Years of Experience
0 +
Cli­ents and prospects
0 +

Eco­no­mics Department

Office Hal­le-Saa­le

An adver­ti­sing agen­cy is a ser­vice based busi­ness
dedi­ca­ted to crea­ting, plan­ning,
and hand­ling adver­ti­sing for clients.

Legal Depart­ment

Office Leip­zig

In our law firm you will be infor­med in detail about your rights,
your claims will be exami­ned in detail and you will be shown
how to suc­cessful­ly assert yours­elf against the con­flict partner.

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