Meet our team

The smar­test peo­p­le work every day to pro­vi­de the best ser­vice and to make our cli­ents happy.

Busi­ness eco­no­mist, com­mer­cial lawy­er and owner

Marek Schwies­au

Mr Schwies­au has the gift of quick­ly gras­ping com­plex issues, put­ting them in a logi­cal order and dra­wing the right con­clu­si­ons from them. This enables him to quick­ly crea­te order in a chao­tic envi­ron­ment. On this basis, he quick­ly iden­ti­fies rele­vant pro­blems even in chal­len­ging situa­tions and works out the appro­pria­te solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther with the cli­ents. Mr Schwies­au intui­tively reco­g­ni­s­es the wis­hes and needs of his cli­ents and works with them to rea­li­se them.

Sub­s­idy specialist

Helm­traud Schwiesau

Ms Schwies­au is an admi­nis­tra­ti­ve spe­cia­list and befo­re her reti­re­ment was a seni­or govern­ment offi­ci­al at the Sax­o­ny-Anhalt Sta­te Audit Office, whe­re she was invol­ved in the sove­reign audit and eva­lua­ti­on of public and pri­va­te fun­ding pro­jects. Her deca­des of expe­ri­ence in the sove­reign audit of fun­ding pro­jects is available to our cli­ents wit­hout rest­ric­tion. She sup­ports the team of the con­sul­tancy manu­fac­to­ry in sol­ving com­plex indi­vi­du­al cases and dif­fi­cult deli­mi­ta­ti­on issues.

Most Valuable Pet

Cane “Enno” von der Arensburg

Mit wedeln­dem Schwanz und freu­di­gem Gemüt bringt Enno als MVP Licht in unse­ren Arbeits­all­tag. Sei­ne Auf­ga­ben rei­chen vom herz­li­chen Emp­fang unse­rer Gäs­te bis hin zum Ver­tei­len von Kuschel­mo­men­ten, die jeden noch so trü­ben Tag erhel­len. Als leben­di­ge Erin­ne­rung an die Freu­de im Klei­nen stärkt er den Team­geist und för­dert ein war­mes Arbeitsklima.

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